How to value and prepare the sale of a property?

How to value and prepare the sale of a property?

First of all, it is important to take the time to go around the apartment or house for a small inspection. To do this, it is possible to ask for help from a friend, a family member or even your real estate agent who can help by bringing a critical spirit to the property.

Most people tell themselves that they do not want to invest because they will no longer live there. This is a mistake! The property may take longer to sell and at a lower price. So it’s good to remember this: Small repairs mean big savings!

Refresh and repair

If, during this inspection, it turns out that there are damaged elements, stained walls or floors, a broken faucet or other, you should think about having them repaired before the sale as this will have an impact on the final price.

Potential buyers will not fail to use these elements as an argument to lower the selling price of the property at the time of negotiation.

In case it is necessary to repaint the apartment, choosing neutral colors so that potential buyers can project themselves is the best option.

Sorting, tidying and sanitizing

How to be prepared for the real estate agent to take pictures of the apartment or house?
A healthy, tidy and well-maintained apartment or house will make a positive impression that will influence potential buyers who look at these photos before deciding whether or not to visit the property. So it is important to put all the chances on your side!

The second thing to do is to think about de-cluttering his house. This is one of the basic principles of Home Staging which can be very useful in this case (see our article “Home Staging”). What is Home Staging? Simply put, it is the action of depersonalizing a property. The idea is to remove a certain number of non-essential pieces of furniture and to remove personal effects such as photos, trinkets, documents that are lying around and others.

This will help visitors as much as possible so that they can project themselves into their future “home sweet home” and not feel at home with someone else… On the other hand, to keep the whole warm, you should not hesitate to leave a few paintings or pieces of art.

The other benefit is that the clean rooms will give the impression that the walls have been pushed and that the rooms are larger. Another good news? Everything that is done now will be done by the time the move is made.

Clean and aerate

It is important to do the same before each visit. Every visit is a chance and an opportunity to sell. The first impression is important and can trigger the famous “coup de coeur” so it is essential to open the shutters, air out the windows, take out the bins, clean and put away the dishes, mow the lawn, put the moving boxes in the cellar and do everything possible to make the property stand out.

A trick?

To provoke emotion in the people who come to visit the property and to awaken their senses it is possible to light a scented candle just before a visit so that it smells good and the property is more warm and welcoming.

Also, it is essential to open the shutters to let in as much light as possible, as brightness is often one of the criteria for selecting a property. To accentuate this, a good trick is to observe at what time of day the property is brightest and the estate agent will try to schedule visits during these times, as far as this is possible of course.

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